Published in IJCP October-December 2022
Letter to Editor
Affordable Technology and Diabetes Care
January 01, 2023 | Amit Bakshi

Technology has become an indispensable part of modern diabetes care.1

Newer advances have helped improve the screening and diagnosis of diabetes, its complications, as well as monitor the treatment of syndrome. Affordability, however, remains a stumbling block in the universal adoption of technology tools.

Most of us are aware of the concept of monopoly, which alludes to the power held by a single supplier of goods or services. An opposite concept, that of monopsony, i.e., being a single (or larger) buyer,2 can be utilized to procure medical devices at an economical rate.

This methodology has been used in our Patient Care Initiatives (PCI)3 to provide diagnostic and monitoring devices to large numbers of persons living with diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease, through their physicians. Table 1 lists the various tools and techniques that we offer, and their reach across India.

Technology, however, does not work if it is not accompanied by trained manpower.4 We ensure that our field staff is educated and experienced in the effective and efficient usage of the modalities being offered to patients.

Biomedical training, too is insufficient unless it is associated with empathy5 and sympathy for fellow human beings. We strive to achieve the highest standards of services by sensitizing our health care professionals and providers towards these ideals.

As India strives to achieve a diabetes complication-free status, and be recognized as the diabetes care capital of the world,6 we feel privileged to play our part in this endeavor. We welcome public-private and private partnerships which will help enhance the reach of our PCI, and improve the quality of diabetes care in India.



Table 1. Patient Care Initiatives in Diabetes Care

·          Related to screening and diagnosis

·          Glucometry

·          Point of care glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)

·          Related to monitoring

·          Ambulatory glucose monitoring (AGM)

·          Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)

·          Related to microvascular complication screening

·          Foot inspection with refractory mirror

·          Neuro touch device for neuropathy

·          Fundus camera

·          Related to macrovascular complication screening

·          Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM)

·          ECG monitoring

·          Holter

·          Sleep study

·          Related to management

·          Carb canvas (carbohydrate counting app)

·          Insulin pens

·          Insulin pumps



  1. Isaacs D, Cox C, Schwab K, Oser TK, Rinker J, Mason MJ, et al. Technology integration: the role of the diabetes care and education specialist in practice. Diabetes Educ. 2020;46(4):323-34.
  2. Available from:
  3. Available from:
  4. Mali MR, Patel SR. Developing professional skills in technical manpower with a perspective view of employment requirement. Int J Engineer Res Technol. 2014;3(3).
  5. Crawford DR. Compassion and empathy in basic medical science teaching: a suggested model. Cureus. 2021;13(12):e20205.
  6. Saboo B, Parikh RM. RSSDI's Defeat Diabetes Campaign: India takes a major leap in the direction of diabetes care capital of the world. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries. 2021;41(4):523-5.